Some special for your brain

6 ways 

To increase 

Your brain 



In our today's busy life , we don't have time for ourselves. From morning till night we stay busy and due to this , our brain becomes exhausted and lost its capacity to do work .That's why ,on our daily life we feel mostly tired . These type of life gives a lot of damage to our brain as well as others body parts .our brain needs some special for this kind of lifestyle. I know it's not possible for us to change our living style,  our work . But today ,I'm going to share some tips which would really good for your brain as well as your body 

Here is the 6 tips you should follow for your 
Brain ..............................................................................

1. Wake early in morning


From Ancient times till now , it was said that one who wakes early in the morning ,having a healthy life . So I'm telling make a habit of getting up in the morning. The great advantage of early rising is the good start it gives us to our day's work. The early riser has done a large amount of hard work before other men have got out of bed .

 In the early morning, the mind is fresh and there are few sounds or distractions, so the work was done at that , fresh is generally well done . In many cases,  the early risers also find time to take some exercise in the fresh morning air and this exercise supplies him with a fund of energy that will last until the evening. With exercise, one should do meditation too . After exercise, body muscles are used up and by doing meditation, body becomes calm and relax . By doing these , all day long his body fills with a lot of energy

2. Taking power naps

Power nap is a short sleep taken during the working day in order to restore one's mental alertness. A power nap will boost your memory, cognotice skills , creativity and energy level . Research shows naps helps boost memory and enhance creativity. Whenever you feel exhausted during your work or studies then it is the best time to take a nap . The timing of a nap should me 10 -15 minutes. At this time your brain becomes relax and after nap you feel fresh and have enough energy to get back on your work .You should take power naps daily on your routine. 

3. Playing brain games 

Mind games are activities that are fun but challenge your brain. Games that make you think, strategize, and remember information are all games that will help train your mind. In fact, many of these basic characteristics are what you find in many of the games you already play.

The purpose of these games is to improve your memory, thinking, reaction time, and cognitive ability. These games are especially important later in life to keep these factors strongMind games are usually simple in design but have a big impact. Think of your brain like your abs. If you work out your abs you are going to develop strong abs. However, if you do not work out your abs they will lose their definition and strength. Mind games are built to work your brain to keep it sharp and alert.

4. Drinking water 

We think that drinking water is a common thing but when you understand the science behind it , you will surprise. Drinking water increase the brain's temperature and gets rid of toxins and dead cells .It also balance chemical processes in the brain helping to regulate stress and anxiety. At early morning, first we should hydrate our body with water .

             Since our brain is mostly water , drinking it helps you in a number of ways,  including improving concentration and cognition. Helping to balance your mood and emotions . It also increases blood flow and oxygen to your brain . Water have a lot of advantages in our body so I recommend you all to drink enough water in a day.

5. Seeing a candle flam 

It would seemed a little awkward to see a candle flam . But you don't know that how powerful it is ! A little candle can increase your focusing strength. Go and watch this video from fact techz , here is the link  .

               After watching this video , you become surprised and you too will do everyday.

6. Get enough sleep 

Sleep is an  important part of your daily routine. Sleep is important to a number of brain functions, including how nerve cells (neurons) communicate with each other.  In fact, your brain and body stay remarkably active while you sleep.  Recent findings suggest that sleep plays a housekeeping role that removes toxins in your brain that build up while you are awake.

Everyone needs sleep, but its biological purpose remains a mystery.  Sleep affects almost every type of tissue and system in the body – from the brain, heart, and lungs to metabolism, immune function, mood, and disease resistance.  Research shows that a chronic lack of sleep, or getting poor quality sleep, increases the risk of disorders including high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, depression, and obesity. A person should sleep atleast 6 hour in a day which is good for health . 

So guys these are the 6 ways which helps you to increase your brain efficiency. Keep healthy and be healthy. 

Keep watching and share!!!!!!
